vdot.virginia.gov got some splaining to do…
anybody else get plowed in?
Category Archives: VDOT
Bahais Offer Parking During Repaving
Our good neighbors the Bahais have offered the use of their parking lot during VDOT’s repaving of Cardinal Glen Circle, scheduled for August 17 through August 21.
Roy Bayzaee, the Bahai Facility Manager, wrote:
It is ok for those days only, as long as they let us know ahead of time and park facing Cardinal Glen Circle…
…the Center will not be responsible for any damages, accident or theft during those days while they are utilizing our parking lot during the operation and after hours
Thank you, Roy!
dammed gutter!-)
good thing it’s not winter… continue reading >>
Street Sweeping Starts!
Our County Supervisor Koran Saines advises that the Virginia Department of Transportation began conducting street sweeping this morning, and will continue throughout the next few weeks.
Areas subject to sweeping will have “No Parking” signs: The “No Parking” signs will be posted a week prior to sweeping.
Please ensure that you car is not on a street scheduled for cleaning during the specified time. Vehicles that remain on streets during sweeping periods will be towed.
Any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact him at Koran.Saines@loudoun.gov or by calling 703-777-0204.
Our Entrance Median
As a part of a state-maintained street, our entrance median is maintained by VDOT…but as we can’t wait for them to get around to it, we have our contractor, Green Village Landscaping, mow the grass;-)
And you may have noticed that only 2 of the original cherry trees that lined the media survive; the website’s header image dates from 2002, but was taken before that;-} Most of them succumbed to root rot, due to piling mulch around the trunks, but the one on the inside end was mowed down when a car jumped the curb:-{ i have some pix somewhere;-}