…posts relating to the history of Cardinal Glen and the surrounding area:
finally! (11/2/2023) - vdot’s replaced the street signs on rt7 aka leesburg pike, reversing the civil-rights-era renaming to honor a notorious segregationist:-)
what might have been;-) (7/13/2021) - past secretary jim babcock just dropped off a box of hoa records, including the other key to our p.o.box, along with a bunch of drawings…check this out from a 1976 survey: and westerley as originally proposed cut through our commonground @ the entrance;-p more plans
spring cleaning (3/15/2021) - A huge thanks to new boardmember Krista Donlon for power washing the front entrance walls yesterday. She did a wonderful job; the walls look great. Thank you, Krista!!! It does appear that the mortar will need re-pointing soon, though…btw, the white mortar visible on the western wall above comes from the repairs made when a...
Nokes Mountain (9/5/2020) - Potomac View Road south of Rt 7 follows a ridge, also called Mirror Ridge for its use as a Civil War signalling station, now leads to Nokes Boulevard and Dulles Town Center. The ridge is called Nokes Mountain.

the last builder (11/28/2019) - taking over from gordon homes was jolamar, which built sections 3 & 4, lots 120-185, as well as lots 10-17 on wren ct & lots 18-20 on the circle, and lots 22-33 on red wing. jolamar’s house plans are named for presidents: the washington (one of the larger house models, a 5-window colonial), the jefferson,...
the second builder in cardinal glen (11/28/2019) - taking over from national birchwood was gordon homes, which built section 2, lots 58-119; the model homes were the houses on the right side of blue jay ct, lots 5-8, with lots 1-4 also gordon’s. there are 4 different houseplans: the blair, the glendon, the fleming and the aberdeeen, but every house was unique in...

patriotism vs nationalism (11/1/2018) - patriotism is loving your country nationalism is hating the other countries – c de gaulle https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/charles_de_gaulle_111702

cardinal glen’s first builder (6/10/2017) - the first developer in cardinal glen was national birchwood homes: the model homes were the first 4 houses on cgc facing the bahai church; those models can be seen on both sides of down cgc almost to coloma ct, comprising most of section 1, lots 34-57. the county originally wanted our street to go thru...
another farewell… (11/29/2016) - After 23 years in the Glen, the Jeglums are leaving, too:-( They write: