Category Archives: state

Bahais Offer Parking During Repaving

Our good neighbors the Bahais have offered the use of their parking lot during VDOT’s repaving of Cardinal Glen Circle, scheduled for August 17 through August 21.

Roy Bayzaee, the Bahai Facility Manager, wrote:

It is ok for those days only, as long as they let us know ahead of time and park facing Cardinal Glen Circle…

…the Center will not be responsible for any damages, accident or theft during those days while they are utilizing our parking lot during the operation and after hours

Thank you, Roy!

vdot on top

hey at least they tried to clean up after themselves… continue reading >>

Thanx, VDOT!-\

While it’s great to see our tax dollars at work, yesterday’s repaving caught many residents by surprise:-( Some folks had received notice, via doorhanger, but quite a few missed it. At the very least, signs should have been posted at the entrance…

to tell us how you found out…