Category Archives: history


for sale by -original- owners!

Farewell to Wayne and Bobbie Lee, who are retiring and moving south to be near the grandkids.

13 Coloma Ct

Summer at the Entrance

IMG_5697Thanks to the hard work of the Grounds Committee and boardmember Mary Kipps, our IMG_5648entrance is in glorious bloom!-) And many mailboxes are IMG_5658resplendant!-)IMG_6033

and has anybody noticed the  has anybody noticed the roughly octagonal patch in the middle of the common ground at the entrance? roughly octagonal patch in the middle of the common ground at the entrance? notice the bands of  notice the bands of bare red this the shadow of a structure? bare red clay…is this the shadow of a structure?

diagonal, ia

3 degrees of separation

i was visiting good neighbor bob novak this morning, and we were commiserating the sad state of the world today;-} bob went on to reminisce about his hometown of diagonal, iowa…the only diagonal anywhere;-)

and he mentioned his granddad, who was a hardware store clerk who personally waited on u.s.grant!

the ray+donna forth house;-)

the original owners left their mark in ’84;-)