Category Archives: old neighbors

Roger Houze

RIP Roger Houze

We are saddened to learn of the passing of long-time neighbor Roger Houze on November 25, 2023. An original owner on Barnswallow Ct, he was a long-time coach for the Lower Loudoun Youth Football League.

As per the family’s request, the HOA has made a donation to the LLYFL in his memory.

jim's irises

another original owner passes

the HOA was saddened to learn that Jim Studzinski died July 8th. continue reading >>

Farewell, good neighbors!-}

IMG 3917 IMG 3915
Longtime owners of the Isaac Keen house, Steve & Ann Sexton, have moved home to Texas. Steve’s collection of cars left earlier in the week…hope they aren’t the proverbial straw that breaks the power grid;-}

judging by all the traffic over the weekend, this house will sell quickly!-)

losing another original owner

but gaining new neighbors June 10th!-)

the ray+donna forth house;-)

the original owners left their mark in ’84;-)