All posts by social Committee

maybe we need a bigger little free library? –)

A veritable blowout of Catherine Coulter


loCo zoning has received a request for A Special Exception (SPEX) to permit the development of a restaurant with drive-through facilities in the Commercial Center, Community Center zoning district, north of Leesburg Pike (Route 7) and east of Cedar Drive,

probably the former bank

Welcome, New Neighbor at 319 Cardinal Glen Cir!

Please log in to meet our newest neighbor.

Bahai Event Scheduled for June 2nd

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loudoun supervisor koran t Saines

MEETING TONIGHT: important roadway and pedestrian improvement projects

Join supervisor Koran T. Saines this evening, 9may24 @ 6:30PM, at the Sterling Library, for this year’s Sterling District Town Hall.

In addition to providing updates on projects and initiatives in the Sterling District as well as across the County, we will be joined by representatives from the Loudoun County Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure to discuss important roadway and pedestrian improvement projects.
Sterling District
1 Harrison Street, S.E.
Leesburg, VA 20177

previously: Save our light image Save our light image continue reading >>