Category Archives: maintenance

Parcel F Stormwater Runoff Project To Start 9Aug

After 3 years of working with Loudoun County on a resolution to control storm water runoff from Barnswallow Ct through Parcel F, reconstruction of the existing dirt channel is finally set to begin August 9th, 2021. This reconstruction will remediate, at no expense to Cardinal Glen homeowners, a longstanding problem our neighborhood has had with flooding and erosion in Parcel F. In addition, Loudoun County will assume responsibility for channel maintenance from the culvert behind 13 Barnswallow Ct to the culvert between 18 Coloma Ct and 200 Cardinal Glen Cir. (i.e. the entire length of the channel).
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…to new boardmember Nicole Ross ( & hubby Ryan;-) for mowing our entrance median!

our mowing contractor has been notified, so hopefully this won’t happen in the future.

Bahais Offer Parking During Repaving

Our good neighbors the Bahais have offered the use of their parking lot during VDOT’s repaving of Cardinal Glen Circle, scheduled for August 17 through August 21.

Roy Bayzaee, the Bahai Facility Manager, wrote:

It is ok for those days only, as long as they let us know ahead of time and park facing Cardinal Glen Circle…

…the Center will not be responsible for any damages, accident or theft during those days while they are utilizing our parking lot during the operation and after hours

Thank you, Roy!

Sidewalks Upgraded

Your tax dollar$ @ work: handicap access ramps were installed today in front of
208 Cardinal Glen Cir 208 Cardinal Glen Cir & 410 Cardinal Glen Cir.

Sure hope the county fixes our other sidewalk problems soon…

parcel d landscaping

barb says all the low branches in the front common ground should b pruned, otherwise the mowers will continue to break them:

that would also eliminate secluded areas, a safety issue. otoh, it would also open sightlines to route 7, increasing noise for the first line of houses…what do you think? please take our poll:

to vote