Category Archives: alongRt7

democracy in action!

Over 150 concerned citizens of all ages turned out at sunset outside ex-Congresswoman Comstock’s office on rt 7 to demand the mueller investigation be protected from anti-constitutional interference. Rush hour traffic honked their support.


and Rachel Maddow/MSNBC mentioned us on “rural Route 7” at the top of her broadcast last nite…that’s me holding holding t & e;-)

Northern Gate Hotel Rezoning Hearing 24 July 6pm

Northern Gate Hotel is applying for rezoning @ the Planning Commission Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 24 @ 6pm, at the Loudoun County Government Center, First Floor, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg.


Entrance Wall Destroyed!

On the night of 10 June, a woman intentionally plowed her car into our western wall, knocking down the center section:-\