Category Archives: entrance

our new tree is gone!-[

sometime overnight, the replacement tree in the entrance median was plowed over:-\image0
clear tire tracks…a police report has been made: SO#240007604…anyone with information, please call deputy D. Cho @ 571-479-9926.


IMG 0679
one down, 1 2 go;-)
vdot’s replaced the street signs on rt7 aka leesburg pike, reversing the civil-rights-era renaming to honor a notorious segregationist:-)

IMG 6977

itchy fox

or is he scratchy;-) on common ground at the entrance continue reading >>

our volunteers at work:-)

good neighbors debra & matt bressler helping to keep our neighborhood neat and presentable:-)

and board members elias khalil and eric single powerwashed the east wall…a big thanx to all our volunteers!-)

80% survival isn’t bad…

fortunately, our contract with Meadows includes a replacement within the first year:-)