Category Archives: hoa

motorbikes prohibited on common ground

since february, kids have been riding their motorbikes on common ground, leaving ruts that will collect water for mosquito-breeding puddles and causing problems for our mowing contractor.

the board had passed a bylaw prohibiting motor vehicles on common ground in the wake of the incident on parcel J 2 years ago, and recently installed signs to that effect at 2 locations, 1 of which has been stolen.

please help us save on mailing expenses!

Our dues mailing is going out on 15March, so please sign up for electronic delivery right away…we could save up to $600/year on mailing costs. Just log into your account in the HOA database with this link and enter the date in the EdeliveryConsent field:

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log in to see password hint…and if you haven’t already registered, please do so now!