Category Archives: seasons

1″ of rain + 11 degrees =

2″ of ice @ 300-302 cgc:-/

good neighbors!

IMG 5182all but 9 on the circle have already cleared their sidewalks, 18 hours ahead of the county deadline…but it’s best to wait until the plows are finished;-)

of course it’s gonna be icy by morning:-/

but dont the xmas lites look good;-)

Happy Halloween!

Join us for a pre-trick-or-treating social gathering on Barnswallow Ct, from 4-5pm on Sunday, October 31st!
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now this is is why we have commonground:-)


…to new boardmember Nicole Ross ( & hubby Ryan;-) for mowing our entrance median!

our mowing contractor has been notified, so hopefully this won’t happen in the future.