Category Archives: loudoun county

false alarm + slow day…

…brings 3 companies, 6 engines and a break from sitting around;-)

and thanx to our local volunteer fire department!

storm water management plan for the Parcel F swale announced

parcel F swale
After 2½ years of working with the county on this, they have at last come back with a proposed design plan for retrofitting the existing swale. Here are the details:

  • The county will retrofit and subsequently assume responsibility for the existing swale from top to bottom (i.e., the entire length, hurray!). We will consequently need to grant them a maximum 20-ft wide easement to do so (more about granting them this easement below)….continue reading

Rt 7 Shared Use Path Project

The county has informed us that they will begin surveying early next year for a 10′ asphalt path alongside westbound Rt 7 from Lakeland Drive to Campus Drive.

Let’s hope they will fix the drainage pipe undermining the berm between rt 7 and our common ground parcel K.

Found Dog

Our good neighbors the Petersons found this little guy and turned it over to LoCo Animal Services. If this is your dog, or you know its owner, please call 703-777-0406 and reference number A241347.

little boy lost

2 deputy sheriffs responded, and a passing neighbor recognized the boy, and his father was brought to the scene & took him home:-)