Category Archives: hoa

Covenant Query

a neighbor wrote on 20/5/20 01:25:

> Hi Can we have a birds in small cage in back yard
> Pigeons? Chickens ? Parrots?
> If yes how many Bunny’s?
> Goats ?

hi, neighbor, as stated in article 5, paragraph 8 of the covenants:

8. Livestock and Poultry. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.

there are also county restrictions that apply as well.

but if the pandemic leads to the total breakdown of our food supply, no one will object to raising chickens for subsistence;-}

Dues Past Due

as of today, there are 30 properties still unpaid:

AccountID    balance
123          $707.13
158          $590.57
178          $281.02
53           $281.02
147          $137.70
175          $137.70
141          $135
114          $135
144          $135
145          $135
83           $135
121          $135
176          $135
181          $135
5            $135
160          $135
7            $135
164          $135
38           $135
168          $135
40           $135
34           $135
37           $135
127          $135
60           $135
27           $135
128          $135
111          $135
25           $135
137          $126.84

Please pay at once; note that any outstanding balance will be collected at closing should you sell.