Category Archives: hoa

Merger FAQ

There are two separate Associations for our neighborhood of 185 homes, as the several sections were built by three different developers, creating an HOA for each section. Sections 1 & 2 were merged some years ago, and this final merger is long overdue.

The members of both Boards have started the process of merging the two Associations, engaging a lawyer to file the necessary papers. The resulting single Association will result in more efficient operation of the HOA:

  • A single contract for common ground maintenance
  • A single lawyer will be retained for HOA business
  • A single insurance policy to cover all common ground
  • A single corporation filing with the state of Virginia
  • A single tax return

We believe that the savings by removing redundant functions will keep overall expenses lower in the coming years. Answers to anticipated questions are:

  • The dues for each association are currently $130 per year. There will be no change to the dues after the merger. Future changes will be determined based on yearly expenses and will be adjusted according to the contents of the Covenants recorded with each lot.
  • There will be no changes to the Covenants, as those are recorded with each property deed.
  • Financial statements:
  • Merger Documents
  • Draft Bylaws

The committee began working with the lawyer on June 9, 2014. If you have any questions about this project, please contact a member of your current HOA Board:

  • Owners in sections 1&2 should send email to …log in for contact info.
  • Owners in sections 3&4 should send email to …log in for contact info.

Send in the Merger Proxies, Please!

By now, all homeowners should have received their envelopes containing the Notice of Merger, Proxy, and legally required merger documents to execute a legal merger of the two homeowner’s associations.

The merger will not change the amount of money that you pay for your dues. We expect that there will be savings related to the need to have only a single insurance policy, and it will no longer be necessary for the two Boards to coordinate actions for common projects such as the front entrance & common ground maintenance.

We must get 67% of the quorum of all 119 properties, or 80 votes in favor, for the merger to be approved, so please return your proxy ASAP, even if you do plan to attend the meeting. It is scheduled for

September 14th
Cascades Library
21030 Whitfield Place
Potomac Falls, VA

If we don’t get enough proxies returned, we will have to go door-to-door the collect them, not a pleasant task in this climate:-\ Thanx 4 ur cooperation.