Category Archives: frontentrance

our new tree is gone!-[

sometime overnight, the replacement tree in the entrance median was plowed over:-\image0
clear tire tracks…a police report has been made: SO#240007604…anyone with information, please call deputy D. Cho @ 571-479-9926.

IMG 6977

itchy fox

or is he scratchy;-) on common ground at the entrance continue reading >>

losing another original owner

but gaining new neighbors June 10th!-)

20221026 071556

Another Accident At Our Entrance!-{

20221026 071556

Long-time residents may remember the dukes-of-hazard-style drunken leap from north-bound sterling boulevard that took out the center of our western (Bahai-side) entrance wall back in 2007, and observant new-comers may have noticed the off-color mortar of the repairs.IMG 4753
IMG 4748
unfortunately a 2-car accident this morning around 7am sent one of the cars into the same wall…the suv clipped the right rear of the car before careening into our wall…fortunately no one seems to have been hurt:-)
IMG 4755accidentreport4
thanx to boardmembers holly lindstrom, krista donlon and elias khalil for the pix…

restoring our entrance median

sometime in october Tuesday, October 11th, meadows farms will be planting planted 5 new cherry trees:

IMG 2639IMG 2637returning the median to how it looked 30 years ago…our website header image:-)

IMG 2133