Category Archives: event

March for Science DC 2018

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FREE Shredding Event 21 April

Ceci Futrell informs us that there will be a FREE paper shredding & electronics recycling event 9AM-12PM on April 21st outside the KellerWilliams office, 46169 Westlake Dr. in Sterling. Light refreshments served!

the voters of 2020!-)

scenes from the March For Our Lives demonstration in DC today.

Bahá’í Events Scheduled

Our good neighbors at the Bahá’í Center are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of their founder, Bahá’u’lláh, and having an Open House.
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Upcoming Eastern Loudoun Sheriff’s Office Quarterly Meeting

Suzanne Volpe, Supervisor in our Algonkian District, urges us to attend this meeting.
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