all 3 rotten inside…hoa permission not required.
this tree service charged $7500…the hoa recently had a dead double-trunk tree removed by allen hawkins for $1600…
happy pandemic birthday!-)
Nokes Mountain
Potomac View Road south of Rt 7 follows a ridge, also called Mirror Ridge for its use as a Civil War signalling station, now leads to Nokes Boulevard and Dulles Town Center.
The ridge is called Nokes Mountain. continue reading >>
African American Burial Grounds in Loudoun
African American Burial Ground for the Enslaved at Belmont
The cemetery of the enslaved at Belmont Plantation was rescued from the bulldozers at the southeast corner of the interchange of Rt 7 & Belmont Ridge Road.
Sycolin Cemetery
The preservation of the Sycolin Cemetery has been turned over to the Loudoun Freedom Center, as the Town of Leesburg donated the land they were given by the FAA.
Tippet’s Hill Cemetery
Miskel Farm
We live in a historic area: Mosby’s Rangers ruled the territory, abetted by local traitors such as the Miskel family, whose farm is just 3 miles from Cardinal Glen. continue reading >>