Category Archives: event

Invitation from Our Neighbors the Baha’is

Dear Neighbors,

On behalf of the NOVA Baha’i Center, I invite you and your fellow members of the Cardinal Glen Home Owners Association to attend our Sunday Service this coming Sunday, March 12th, at 10:30am. The presentation topic will be the “Destiny of America” and will explore the teachings of the Baha’i Faith that address the role our nation will play in moving humanity towards global harmony.

Warm regards and hope to see you there!

Rodney Johnson,
On behalf of The NOVA Baha’i Center

SVFC Responds!

IMG_5528The Sterling Volunteer Fire Company responds in force on Cardinal Glen Circle! Good neighbor Craig Brown reports:
“I was in the basement doing hobby stuff and thought I heard some distant sirens out on Rt-7. Odie started to bark a few minutes later. After a bit I went upstairs and saw a big response: two tankers, an ambulance and a ladder truck. It was a suspected chimney fire, nothing showing. The SVFC did a thorough job and nothing was found. On the initial response the tanker closest to me had feeder hoses out and connected to the hydrant. Good job to be prepared; glad fire suppression was not needed! Good boy Odie!”
And that’s why good neighbors SVFCdonate to SVFC!

Loudoun to Host Stream Buffer Planting Workshop

The Loudoun Soil and Water Conservation District (LSWCD), in partnership with the Loudoun County government, is hosting an informational workshop on a riparian buffer planting project beginning at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, January 28, 2016, in the Purcellville Room on the first floor of the Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E. in Leesburg.

Private residential, industrial, commercial, and homeowner association (HOA) landowners in Loudoun are all eligible to apply for funds to plant buffers along perennial (year-round) streams and water bodies. continue reading >>