Category Archives: landscaping

Parcel J Rehab

The ruts cut by a neighbor off his meds, as well as nearly a foot of sediment filling the culvert, were restored & reseeded last month.

Our contractor, Allan Hawkins, did a great job!

Common Ground Drainage Problems Mean Mosquito-Breeding Ponds

As can be seen in this image from Parcel K, there is a pipe under the gasline berm along Rt7 that has collapsed, which is causing erosion & standing water:-\
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Common Ground Swamps

our parcel J swamp is not only a breeding ground for mosquitoes, it’s problem for mowing…
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common ground wetlands

the drainage ditch in our largest parcel, J/L, has filled up over the years, creating puddles of standing water

which make mowing a muddy effort,
not to mention mosquito breeding grounds:-\

common ground ruttage

with the recent rains, our common ground has been rutted by heavy bicycle traffic

and our contractor’s mowers