Due to schedule conflicts with several of the boardmembers, the May meeting will be held May 7th instead of May 14th.
We hope 2 c u t&t!-)
Due to schedule conflicts with several of the boardmembers, the May meeting will be held May 7th instead of May 14th.
We hope 2 c u t&t!-)
The Cardinal Glen HOA Social Committee is excited to launch “Cardinal Glen Cares,” a series of events designed to foster a sense of community and neighborliness. Interested in helping to organize? Email us.
Due to the treasurer being out of town in February, the dues mailing has been delayed; bills will be mailed next week.
Your dues pay for maintaining our common ground, including mowing, landscaping of the entrance and removal of dead trees, as well as liability insurance. Dues are only $135 per year, not per month, payable by May 15th, with an 8% per annum late fee penalty after June 15th.
Please sign up to receive email notifications; once registered, you can access your property information & dues ledger in our database.
Due to the Bahai Center being closed, we have continued the meeting to our next regular board meeting on the 2nd Monday of February, the 12th. We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope to see more of you then.
If you cannot attend, please send us your proxy so we have a quorum!
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American Disposal has re-established our community plan at a rate of $23/month for TWICE a week pick-up. Just call American (703-368-0500) and request to be included in the Cardinal Glen community plan.