Category Archives: debris

propane explosion news conference

cardinal glen is ~1/2 mi away

press conference

wa.po. article

view from up the street to the left

Yard Waste Pickup

i just received this email from American Disposal:

You are receiving this notification due to a delay in your YARD DEBRIS scheduled service for 5/17/2021. If you were not serviced today, services will be performed tomorrow. If your yard debris was collected, please disregard this notification. Please forward this information on to those whom also need to be informed.

They have skipped yard debris pickup numerous times, and i would like to know if the other trash companies have provided better service…please take our poll:

which company do you use?
3 votes · 3 answers


final results will be published later.

slowly drying

Common Ground Blocked

sometime in the last week, after the deluges saturated the ground, a huge oak toppled, taking out several other trees & blocking the mowers’ access to parcel B from parcel J AKA the big field in the middle. continue reading >>

More Common Ground Dumpsites:-{

behind 208 Cardinal Glen Cir on parcel F, right at the 90 degree east-south bend in the barnswallow drainage swale. continue reading >>