Category Archives: dues

2024 Dues Mailed Today!

Dues were mailed 16 February, thanks to the able assistance of Mary Kipps, Lori Jule and Ash Deval stuffing & stamping envelopes continue reading >>

2023 Dues Due Soon

2023 dues assessments were mailed 3April, and must be paid by May 15th to avoid a late fee. If you have not already paid, please to view your account & pay online, or pay via zellepay via Zelle to using this QR code:
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2022 Dues Mailing Today

Annual dues for 2022 are $150… continue reading >>

Dues Late Payment Fee Postponed

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the board has decided not to impose the late payment fee until the stay-at-home order is lifted.

Those Homeowners who have already included the 8% fee will be credited & the amount applied to next year’s dues.

Dues Past Due

as of today, there are 30 properties still unpaid:

AccountID    balance
123          $707.13
158          $590.57
178          $281.02
53           $281.02
147          $137.70
175          $137.70
141          $135
114          $135
144          $135
145          $135
83           $135
121          $135
176          $135
181          $135
5            $135
160          $135
7            $135
164          $135
38           $135
168          $135
40           $135
34           $135
37           $135
127          $135
60           $135
27           $135
128          $135
111          $135
25           $135
137          $126.84

Please pay at once; note that any outstanding balance will be collected at closing should you sell.