All posts by webmaster

2022 Proxy

If you cannot attend online,
please send us your proxy!
we need a quorum to hold elections!

Please electronically sign the form below, or you can 2022 proxy.pdf download the proxy.pdf, sign & return to the HOA….continue reading

2022 Board Member Nominations and Election

Please vote for the following nominees, or write in your nominations…you must be a member in good standing (dues paid) and to vote.

If you have not yet please do so before the meeting. If you have previously registered but cannot log in, your account has been suspended until you are in good standing (your dues are paid in full.)
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2022 Annual Meeting Discussion Topics

Please vote for the following topics, or write in your suggestions…you must be in good standing (dues paid) and to vote.

If you have not yet please do so before the meeting. If you have previously registered but cannot log in, your account has been suspended until you are in good standing.
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Welcome, New Neighbors at 10 Coloma Ct!

Please log in to meet our newest neighbors

rt7 committee meeting 15 Nov

we will be meeting in person at Cascades Library, as well as online on November 15th at 7:00pm to discuss the LoCo proposal and our options/next steps. For details: …continue reading