VDOT promptly removed it (the deer; the shrine remains)
> Thank you for submitting your Service Request #1188608 to the
> Virginia Department of Transportation. Our Customer Service Center
> Agents will review your request as soon as possible (typically
> within 72 hours, depending on the nature of your request and the
> overall volume received) and take one of the following actions:
> *
> Provide an answer to your inquiry if possible
> *
> Forward your request to the appropriate field office for
> investigation and resolution
> *
> Inform you if VDOT is unable to process your request (e.g.
> because it is related to a road that VDOT does not maintain)
> Sincerely,
> Customer Service Center
> Virginia Department of Transportation
> 1-800-367-7623
> 1-800-FOR-ROAD
> https://my.vdot.virginia.gov