The HOA occasionally undertakes projects to maintain and improve the entrance and common ground. Here are some recent and previous ones.
Parcel F project complete! (5/18/2022) - The Parcel F storm water management project is finally finished! The County planted the last two trees in there today and took down the black fencing. That’s one parcel down and two to go for County storm water management! kudos to our president Mary Kipps & the landscaping committee for spearheading this!
parcel F project underway (8/9/2021)
entrance lights painted (7/3/2021) - the board would like to thank our good neighbors Nicole & Ryan Ross, supervising the service project of Alyssa Hassan for the great job painting our entrance lanterns; they were looking rather shabby after almost 40 years in the weather;-)

storm water management plan for the Parcel F swale announced (12/16/2020) - After 2½ years of working with the county on this, they have at last come back with a proposed design plan for retrofitting the existing swale. Here are the details: The county will retrofit and subsequently assume responsibility for the existing swale from top to bottom (i.e., the entire length, hurray!). We will consequently need...