on common ground parcel B at the stream crossing
on common ground parcel B at the tree stump

common ground == deer habitat;-)
while inspecting the parcel B swale, i disturbed a mating pair of white tails;-}
In "commonground"

your dues @ work…
common ground maintenance is the HOA's largest expense, mostly mowing the grass. but sometimes there are unexpected expenses:-{ this doe expired yesterday on parcel B behind 4 Coloma Ct; it was pretty ripe when Xceptional Wildlife Removal came today. They surmised that cause of death was most likely vehicular impact.…
In "commonground"

deer carcass removed from common ground
our budget took a $650 hit yesterday when Jesse James Critter Gitters removed this from the berm along rt 7 on parcel C...it was getting rather fragrant:-\ thanx to our indefatigable landscaping committee for taking care of it.
In "alongRt7"
today on the circle