- President: Lori Jule – 2026*
- Vice-President: Mary Kipps – 2026*
- Secretary: Krista Donlan – 2026*
- Treasurer: Tom Wible – 2027
- At Large: Maliha Balala – 2027
- At Large: Isaac Mussayev – 2027
- At Large: Ash Deval – 2026
- At Large: John Gonzalez – 2026
- At Large: Elias Khalil – 2026
- At Large: Eric Single – 2026
We have board meetings at 7:30pm on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Bahai Center. Homeowners are always welcome.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we will be meeting online at 7pm.
Homeowners please log in to view virtual meeting link.
* officers are elected by the board at the 1st meeting after the annual meeting.
* term expires date: The board has adopted staggered 3 year terms for boardmembers such that an entire board needn’t be elected each year, enhancing continuity. We welcome volunteers!