Parcel F Stormwater Runoff Project To Start 9Aug

After 3 years of working with Loudoun County on a resolution to control storm water runoff from Barnswallow Ct through Parcel F, reconstruction of the existing dirt channel is finally set to begin August 9th, 2021. This reconstruction will remediate, at no expense to Cardinal Glen homeowners, a longstanding problem our neighborhood has had with flooding and erosion in Parcel F. In addition, Loudoun County will assume responsibility for channel maintenance from the culvert behind 13 Barnswallow Ct to the culvert between 18 Coloma Ct and 200 Cardinal Glen Cir. (i.e. the entire length of the channel).
continue reading >>

Thank You, Good Neighbors!

…to the Browns, the Kims, parcels F (foreground) & H (background)

the Vago-Crowells and the Rosses for mowing the strips of common ground adjacent to their properties.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection event scheduled

The next Loudoun County Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection event is scheduled for Saturday, May 22, 2021, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., at the Ashburn North Park and Ride, 45151 Russell Branch Parkway in Ashburn. Loudoun residents are welcome to bring HHW from their homes to the event, free of charge. continue reading >>

Yard Waste Pickup

i just received this email from American Disposal:

You are receiving this notification due to a delay in your YARD DEBRIS scheduled service for 5/17/2021. If you were not serviced today, services will be performed tomorrow. If your yard debris was collected, please disregard this notification. Please forward this information on to those whom also need to be informed.

They have skipped yard debris pickup numerous times, and i would like to know if the other trash companies have provided better service…please take our poll:

which company do you use?
3 votes · 3 answers


final results will be published later.

now this is is why we have commonground:-)