Category Archives: contractor

more waterworks

IMG 9827 Loudoun County Water subcontractors are in the neighborhood today replacing the meter crocks.
IMG 9828
Loudoun Water explained it’s routine maintenance.

treework underway

Alan Hawkins arrived this morning for some extensive…and expensive…work on our common ground. But we did save $1000 by not cleaning up the downed tree on parcel B-)

Which trash service do you use?

there are a number of trash companies servicing our neighborhood, with trucks roaring thru the streets almost every day…unfortunately our HOA isn’t empowered to provide trash pickup, and our deal with American expired several years ago.

so for the benefit of your neighbors, both old and new, please share your experiences with your trash service here: continue reading >>

its done!

jose lara did a great job, and months ahead of how long it took last time;-) and many thanks to boardmember elias khalil, who oversaw the project & rewired the lamps. progress pix here

your dues at work

click for mapthanx to a good neighbor’s report of a hazardous tree on parcel G (the 3-foot strip between us & neighboring developments)-, our landscaping committee was able to get it taken out before it fell:-)
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