Trash Deal Sweetened

After learning that some of you had costs from American that were less than those offered by the Community Plan we adopted, I went back to American and re-negotiated the plan. As it stands now, the Plan costs are $23/month with NO differential between once or twice/week service.

Tree Felling

Charlie Hawkins was in the neighborhood today with his son Alan’s crew to take out several trees, including one behind us.

Our 1st Newsletter

no foolin;-) all homeowners will be receiving this in the mail, along with a copy of the new HOA by-laws, as required by the state corporation commission.

our president speaks:

First, let me introduce myself. I am Bob Bassett and for many years, I’ve served as the President of 3 & 4 Cardinal Glen of Loudoun Homeowners Association. After the merger of the two HOAs in Cardinal Glen was completed in December of 2015, I was elected to be the President of the new organization called Cardinal Glen of Sterling Homeowners Association. The new Board of Directors (BOD), consisting of Directors from both original BODs, and I look forward to working together to make our neighborhood one we can all be proud to call home.
continue reading >>

SVFC Responds!

IMG_5528The Sterling Volunteer Fire Company responds in force on Cardinal Glen Circle! Good neighbor Craig Brown reports:
“I was in the basement doing hobby stuff and thought I heard some distant sirens out on Rt-7. Odie started to bark a few minutes later. After a bit I went upstairs and saw a big response: two tankers, an ambulance and a ladder truck. It was a suspected chimney fire, nothing showing. The SVFC did a thorough job and nothing was found. On the initial response the tanker closest to me had feeder hoses out and connected to the hydrant. Good job to be prepared; glad fire suppression was not needed! Good boy Odie!”
And that’s why good neighbors SVFCdonate to SVFC!

HOA Trash Contract == Fewer Trash Trucks!

The HOA Board of Directors is investigating the possibility and value of having a single company pick up all the trash in Cardinal Glen. Many other HOAs do this and the thought of reducing the number of trucks cruising through our neighborhood is attractive. It could also reduce costs but most of the particulars have yet to be discovered. Such as, do we add the costs to the Dues and the HOA assumes the task of paying the trash company or is there some way each homeowner can pay their apart of the bill directly? There’s a LOT to learn!

I drove around this morning and noticed that most use American, a lot have AAA/Republic, and I noticed one or two others. But it also seems that some don’t have any trash pickup since I didn’t see any containers at some homes. So I expect that this idea may have some who have different thoughts about it and that’s OK. We haven’t made any decisions yet and are looking to gather your opinions. So please sound off! I’ve invited American, AAA, and Waste Management to send quotes and descriptions of their services but if you have a favorite company you like, let me know and we’ll get them involved.

In the end, it may turn out that the status quo is the best alternative and we’ll do nothing to change the way we do business right now. But…nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

Bob Bassett, HOA President