Category Archives: hoa

Special Meeting 30March

The HOA board is calling a special meeting 30 March IN PERSON at the Bahais, as well as online via Zoom to vote on raising the yearly dues to $195.

Light refreshments will be available. continue reading >>

2023 Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting is scheduled for 24 January, online via Zoom, when we will hold elections for Board members whose terms expire, and update members on our activities.

As we did last year, we will be holding it online on Zoom. Please vote in our polls before the meeting:

These polls will be open until the annual meeting.
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Help Us Save Paper & Money

Our Home Owners Association’s dues are one of the lowest in the Northern Virginia area, and we’d like to keep it that way by constantly looking for ways to save money. One of the latest suggestions has identified postage and mailing costs.

The HOA has spent over $7,250 over the past 10 years since 2011; an average of $660 yearly (close to 3.25% of HOA revenue). Those savings could be put to more productive use in the community.

Hence, with the proliferation of electronic communications and the declaration of electronic communication as legal according to Virginia Law since year 2000, the HOA wishes to take advantage of electronic communications with our homeowners to significantly reduce postage and mailing cost. Such communications would encompass all written communications as required by our bylaws and covenants, as well as any notices and other homeowner association information including electronic signatures.

Thus, at your option, you may advance those savings and “go Greengreenleaf” by electing that HOA communications be received electronically through e-mail, mobile text messages, or both. Remember, this is not mandatory, yet we encourage you to choose this option. Even so, you may withdraw your consent at any time you find it necessary.

If you wish to opt for electronic communications, please download and sign this consent form and return it to CGHOA either by mail to our address:

Cardinal Glen of Sterling HOA
P.O.Box 972
Sterling, VA 20167

Or you may scan the completed and signed form, and attach it to an email addressed to, or you may sign online.

our little free library is open!

our little free library
Thanks to Nicole & Ryan Ross for installing our LFL charter #155425 on common ground parcel J!

Happy Halloween!

CandyAndCocoaOnTheCourt2022Join us Sunday for a pre-Halloween social gathering for neighbors to enjoy a cup of cocoa, candy and conversation. Cocoa will be provided. If you can spare some candy, please bring to hand out to kids.
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