commonground caper:-/

parcel J got torn up yesterday:

apparently by the same disturbed person who made the mailbox deposits, and is in custody.

the hoa will have to decide whether to seek restitution, but we should also decide if we want to make a rice paddy…numerous homeowners have expressed interest in using the common ground for community gardens;-)

heavy traffic on common ground;-)

Trash in Mailboxes

Several of our neighbors have found trash in their mailboxes this week…it’s a sad state of affairs when the first thought was a hate crime, but 45 is to blame for that:-\

I spoke to our mailman today, who told me one of our residents had been making those deposits, and had handed him a pinecone, as if it were a religious talisman. The resident has been detained for psychiatric evaluation following his rampage through our common ground.


Sent from tom’s 5se

not much