false alarm + slow day…

…brings 3 companies, 6 engines and a break from sitting around;-)

and thanx to our local volunteer fire department!

parcel B herd:-)

our black squirrel:-)

sorry, bud, no bud;-)

our yard is crawling with run-of-the-trees grey bushy-tailed tree-rats, but this guy has brought diversity;-)

Welcome, New Neighbors at 414 Cardinal Glen Cir

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storm water management plan for the Parcel F swale announced

parcel F swale
After 2½ years of working with the county on this, they have at last come back with a proposed design plan for retrofitting the existing swale. Here are the details:

  • The county will retrofit and subsequently assume responsibility for the existing swale from top to bottom (i.e., the entire length, hurray!). We will consequently need to grant them a maximum 20-ft wide easement to do so (more about granting them this easement below). continue reading >>