Category Archives: safety

“Active Threat” training at the Baha’i Center

The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is offering a training seminar for the public on how to deal with active threat events. Course material to be provided by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office
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We Believe Survivors

“illegitimi non carborundum”!!! resources for assault victims

Sidewalks Must Be Shoveled

Remember that county law requires sidewalks to be shoveled before 12:00 noon following the night in which the snow or ice, or combination thereof, has fallen….this good neighbor is on top of it!
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22dec accident scene

someone had some kind of medical emergency the friday b4 xmas andrammed a car into 502cgc’s mailbox; its stump is wrapped in yellow, a good idea.

Upcoming Eastern Loudoun Sheriff’s Office Quarterly Meeting

Suzanne Volpe, Supervisor in our Algonkian District, urges us to attend this meeting.
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