hope is alive in new mexico!-)

please dont dominate the rap, jack
if you’ve got nothing TRUE to say!
1 way or another
1 way or another
1 way or another
this darkness gonna END!-)

another inch yesterday

Deadline to Register to Vote

Residents who are not registered to vote have until Monday, October 15, 2018 to do so in order to vote in the November 6, 2018, general election.

Voter registration deadlines:

  • Online Voter Registration: Monday, October 15, 2018, at 11:59 p.m.
  • In-Person Voter Registration: Monday, October 15, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. at the Loudoun County Office of Elections and Voter Registration, 750 Miller Drive, S.E., Suite C in Leesburg
  • By-Mail Voter Registration: The application must be postmarked no later than October 15, 2018.

Absentee balloting continues at the Office of Elections and Voter Registration, Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. through October 26, 2018. You do not have to apply in advance to vote in person.

Stay Informed: Text LCVOTES to 888777 to receive text alerts from the Loudoun County Office of Elections and Voter Registration.

More information about the upcoming election and voting in Loudoun County is online.

We Believe Survivors

“illegitimi non carborundum”!!! resources for assault victims

Briar Patch Park To Be Refurbished

Our district supervisor Koran Saines informs us that the Gwen Thompson Briar Patch Park will be closed for up to four months starting on Tuesday October 9. Given the extent of the project, County staff determined it would be better to complete it all at once, necessitating the closure.

The extensive construction project includes milling and resurfacing tennis and basketball courts, trails and the parking lot, replacing a retaining wall and fencing, replacing a playground and surrounding surfaces, repairing drainage areas and enhancing access areas. These changes will complete work that began a couple years ago to update the park. At the end of this project the park will be better and more enjoyable for Sterling children and families.